Calcinculo is a theatrical experience where music and theatre blur together in a ceaseless, dizzying exchange. Words transform into melody, music takes the form of words.

In a world where language and images fail to capture the overwhelming chaos of our times, Calcinculo emerges as a sonic and theatrical odyssey that shatters the boundaries between music and drama.

Into this cacophony of noise and fleeting impressions, music emerges as a beacon of solace and a catalyst for change.

Sing to me, o muse, of today’s wrath. Let us sing upon the ruins.

Calcinculo dismantles the illusions that fuel our modern society. It exposes our insatiable hunger for success, wealth, and a false sense of transparency, while simultaneously ridiculing the rise of nationalism and the glorification of fear.

We wear diapers, afraid to miss a single moment of the planetary games unfolding on screens. Adversaries, chosen by satellite as friends or foes, are thousands of miles away. We nurture hyper-realistic dolls – perfect children who never cry or wake us in the night. The democratic process is a relic of the past, yet we fight for the rights of our furry and feathered companions – dogs, cats, canaries and turtles and hamsters and rabbits and guinea pigs and gold fish. Sharing opinions within our field of expertise feels outdated, but any news flash on a screen sparks a comment.

Calcinculo is a snapshot of our world, its twisted realities and distractions. We’ve lost the ability to dream of the future, to believe in ideals. With sharp wit and irony, Babilonia Teatri uses this play to confront the world we live in.


DEBUTTO 30 agosto 2018 OPERAESTATE FESTIVAL VENETO (Bassano del Grappa)

by and with Enrico Castellani e Valeria Raimondi
and with Luca Scotton
music Lorenzo Scuda
stage management Luca Scotton
production Babilonia Teatri, La Piccionaia
co-production Operaestate Festival Veneto
scene Babilonia Teatri
credits photo Eleonora Cavallo
production 2018
thanks to il Coro Ana Valli Grandi e Cuore Husky rescue