Night Just Before The Forest is a totem we approach with both eagerness and trepidation, to give life to a hand-to-hand combat of words, whispering and shouting them together.

We would not have dared speak Koltès’ words without first having chewed them, digested them and spat them out through our mother tongue: a dirty language, halfway between slang and dialect: the language of the gut, of instinct, of mood, of love, of truth, of the unmediated.

The harshness and poetry of our mother tongue allows us to connect to Koltès: to dirty his words, to assign them a rhythm and a sound that belong to us, the sound of the street, of the outsider, of love.

Two voices for a monologue: one spoken and one signed.

Two voices that oppose each other, then come together and multiply: that become a single voice, in unison, becoming a world.

Two voices in dialogue with a third : the sound of electronic music played live on stage.

A game of mirrors in which different languages intertwine and dialogue with each other.


by Babilonia Teatri
with Enrico Castellani e Daniel Bongioanni
translation into veronese dialect Enrico Castellani
translation LIS Daniel Bongioanni
live music and sound design Giovanni Frison
light design Luca Scotton
scientific advice Jean Paul Dufiet
interpreter LIS Andrea Consolaro
accessibility consultancy Ass. Fedora
not verbal comunication Luca Falbo
organization Serena Pallanch
co-production Pergine Spettacolo Aperto, OperaEstate Festival, Teatro Scientifico di Verona
with the support of Fondazione Caritro
in collaboration with l’Università degli studi di Trento